Say goodbye to complex spreadsheets
Organize your Investments
Swap your spreadsheets and sponsor dashboards for Altracka — keep all of your Alternative Investments in one place.
Performance Analysis
By analyzing critical indicators over time, both on a per-investment basis and across your entire portfolio, you can dive deeper into metrics like XIRR, Equity Multiple, and beyond, thus gaining valuable insights into your financial journey.
Income Tracking
Track cash flow over time, receive reminders of upcoming activity, track income for a single investment, an investment class, or across your entire portfolio.
Performance Charts
Allocation Tracking
Filter by class, sponsor, more
Income History
Top Investments
Capital Stack
Yield Analysis
Investment Notes
K-1 Tracking
Capital Calls Tracking
All the free tools you need
Investment Summary
- Get a fast overview of your investment metrics with our user-friendly and intuitive cards
- Sort and filter your cards
Income Charts
- Returns over time
- Identify cash flow trends
- Income by investment type
Portfolio Analysis
- Your positions on the capital stack
- Asset class allocations
Got Spreadsheets?
- Import years of investments easily from your spreadsheets
Compare Performance Over Time
- Ordinary trackers calculate and display XIRR today
- Altracka calculates and displays XIRR over the entire history of your investments
Your data and identity are safe and secure
We take both security and privacy of our members seriously. We encrypt all sensitive data in our database and during transit. We also employ multi-factor authentication and fingerprinting technology to ensure you are who you say you are.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is enabled by default. Each time you login from an unrecognized device, you will be prompted to authenticate yourself through email or SMS.
We Do Not Share Your Personal Information
Like you, the founders of Altracka are investors—we treat your privacy the same way we would like ours to be treated. We do not share or sell your personal information to anybody.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I track my rentals and other investments?
Altracka has primarily been developed for tracking a passive investor's alternative investments. Unlike stock and bond tracking, tracking of alternative investments is still in its infancy, and few affordable tools exist. Altracka hopes to fill that void so you can better understand how your alternative investments are performing compared to more traditional investments.
Can I add my bank and brokerage accounts?
Altracka does not currently interface with external accounts, including bank and brokerage accounts.
Is it free?
While in Beta, we are offering the tracking service for free. Upon formal release, we plan to charge a nominal fee so we can keep the lights on. However, certain investing groups will still receive the tracking service for free. For example, if you are accepted into the 506 Investment Group (506 Investor Group), you will be able to use the tracker free of charge.
How can I get accurate transaction data from my sponsors?
When entering transactions, you have the options of entering return on capital, return of capital, reinvestments and/or NAV. Some sponsors do not report which category a distribution is in. If you are unsure, we recommend putting all returns under the "Return On Capital" column. If you wish to get more accurate tracking, reach out to your sponsor who should be able to provide you with this information.
Can I export my data?
You can import and export your transactional data at any time. We currently export your data in Excel format.
Can I try it out before entering all my investments?
After registering we'll provide you with several demo investments to help you understand our features. When you're ready, you can input your actual investments and start altracking!
What's with the llama?
I'm an alpaca — you can call me "Al"!